domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Space Light

Some day ago, I sent a question to Samantha Cristoforetti, the equipe italian
member who's now aboard the International Space Station around the earth,
which asked if light, at 28.000 Km/h speed, deflected its beam, as the Einstein
elevator principle suggests. The question was born from different
interpretations which can be read in the several notes written from scientists
and physicians. Some of them says that light deflects its beam, faithfull to the
Equivalence Priciple, some other says that light follows the space time curve,
generated from the mass which rests on it. All of us know the Special
Relativity formula, which establishes that a beam light, closed in a moving
space ship, at high speed next to the light one, can be seen from a stationary
observer like a deflected beam, which suggests the time dilation at that speed.
It's called Relativivty just because the effect is only related respect at the
stationary observer. The case changes when the light could be curved from
the velocity, in absolute terms, because the time dilation becomes an universal
principle. Anyway, we all wait for the experiment aboard the ISS around the
earth, who knows, may be something new gets out, may be a new born Jesus.
28 of december 2014 h.2.54 pm.Mario R.Zampella ©

sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Hard Times in Rome

What does it happen in Rome ? The old City is living hard moments because
the recent criminal organization discovering, which revealed a new bad
picture of a one of the most famous city in the world. More than 60 persons
have been arrested in a bad affairs entanglement, which involves politicians,
criminal members and old fascists militants. Italian new mafia has no political
colour. It follows money wherever it is, with no pity or particular privilege. And
there'll be a big international meeting in the next days, in the same city, which
concerns several of the most Nobel Price known in the last years, for the
annual Peace Prize which will be assigned, in this circumstance, to the
famous film director Bernardo Bertolucci. Special guest, among the Peace
Nobel Prize, is His Holiness Dalai Lama, who will not meet Pope Francesco,
because the delicate existent balance between Italy and China Governments.
Has Religion a colour ? Pope Francesco remarked it in his recent visit in
Turkey, opening his arms to islamic congregation. Probably there are two
weights an two measures. It's a very hard Christmas that's coming in these
last days of the year to Rome.
12 of december 2014 h. 10.48 am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

New Obama's Method

This could be the new CIA's torture Obama's method. It's sure everybody will talk ... unless ...

sabato 11 ottobre 2014

Riforma Giustizia

E’ sempre scontro fra l’Associazione Nazionale Magistrati ed il governo in carica, 
in riferimento al disegno di legge recante le nuove riforme destinate a modificare 
l’attuale sistema giuridico, ivi incluse le responsabilita’ di una giustizia non sempre 
all’altezza del proprio compito ed il trattamento economico dei magistrati. In 
sostanza la riforma porrebbe limiti allo strumento delle intercettazioni, garanzia 
di alto rispetto democratico della privacy; dovrebbe ristabilire la precedente pena 
prevista, prima dell’avvento del governo Berlusconi, per le falsificazioni dei dati 
di bilancio; interverrebbe sulla limitazione del periodo di ferie degli stessi magistrati 
e introdurrebbe un principio di responsabilita’ civile personale secondo cui ogni
giudizio avventato che risultasse erroneo alla prova dei fatti, sarebbe passibile 
di risarcimento verso la vittima innocente.
La problematica relativa alle intercettazioni e’ materia attuale, vista la recente 
condanna dell’ex Sindaco di Napoli Luigi De Magistris, per aver abusato del suo 
potere di investigazione intercettando migliaia di telefonate anche di parlamentari. 
La questione e’ delicata se si tiene conto del momento storico in cui viviamo, nel 
quale il confine fra bene e male e’ sempre piu’ labile. Nel 2001, in occasione 
dell’attentato alle Twin Towers, la maggioranza schiacciante del popolo americano 
si dichiaro’ disponibile ad essere intercettata e controllata, tutto a favore di una 
maggior sicurezza nazionale. Eppure, in Italia, non viene considerata emergenziale
l’atavica e diffusa contrapposizione fra legalita’ e criminalita’. Cosi’ come pure 
il concetto di responsabilita’ civile del magistrato, non si vede perche’ debba 
colpire esclusivamente l’operato di un servitore dello Stato, che nella sua qualita’ 
di essere umano, e’ soggetto all’errore quanto i componenti del ramo legislativo. 
Infatti la democrazia e’ composta da tra colonne fondamentali, il ramo legislativo, 
quello esecutivo e, appunto quello giudiziario. Perche’ allora non istituire una 
responsabilita’ civile anche per i governanti, che, pur sbagliando, godono, mal 
che vada, di vitalizi e privilegi perenni. Gli errori che causano danni vanno 
risarciti, che sia lo Stato a pagarli o compagnie assicurative, il principio e’ giusto
quando vale per tutti.
Mario R. Zampella 11 ottobre 2014 h. 10.23 pm.

sabato 27 settembre 2014

Where Does Mass Come From 2 ?

We were talking about the mass' origin, given that recently a new experiment,
to the Imperial College of London, would have discovered the possibility of
mass existence from a crash between two different kind of light waves.
The phenomenon still have to be demonstred in the science community,
according the science methods to let an experiment be valid in an universal
vision. We have just the CERN proof about the Higg's boson existence which,
as told in the past, it represents the intermediator element between Higg's field
and all the partcle with mass. Nobody has been able to explore the Big Bang
first moment yet, and nobody will be able to do it, for the uncertainty principle
of W. Heisemberg, from the moment we all are inside the observed Universe,
but we though could give an explanation about the happened process which
caused the transformation from no-mass particles to mass-particles. Just few
instancts after the big explosion, the Universe was terribly hot and all the 
particles were without mass, with different electric charge, positive and
negative. When the temperature got colder, it got form the Higg's field, a sort
of molasses in which every particle got inside. The smooth ones, crossed it
with no kind of problem at their own velocity, the rough ones, instead,
decreased their velocity for the friction reason, being rough, and got mass
traveling through that field.
So the new frame of situation offered positive charge mass particles, negative
charge mass particle and neutral charge no-mass particles. Through the time
and the space, the positive and negative particles annihilated each other but,
probably, the positive ones, which are those that constitute the matter, they
were more than the negative ones, so that's why we may see matter around
us while antimatter is very rare.
One different theory, it concerns the Parallel Universes, one made of matter
and one made of antimatter, one in perfect opposition to the other, one mirror
of the other, both born from the same explosion called Big Bang, but the over
told hipothesys, it's still impossible to be demonstred, for the named
uncertainty principle.
Who's there, outside the Universe, who's able to help us ?
Mario R. Zampella september 26, 2014 h. 4.16 pm.

martedì 23 settembre 2014

Fatwa Mafia

Suona inquietante la notizia secondo cui nove aziende su dieci confiscate 
alla mafia, falliscono inesorabilmente, asfissiate da una sorta di “fatwa” 
mafiosa che con la complicita’ di tutti gli pseudo infiltrati nella Pubblica 
Amministrazione e la compattezza di una clientela “aficionados” riesce 
nove volte su dieci a rendere impossibile la prosecuzione economica di un
impresa sequestrata.
Una rappresaglia stile tempi di guerra, da cui emerge chiaramente quanto 
l’Italia sia immersa in incultura che attinge nutrimento da fatti e contesti 
criminali. Si tratta di una mentalita’ che include una vasta complicita’, 
capillarmente sottile e ramificata, che trova agganci sempre e ovunque, 
perche’ la minaccia e’ rappresentata dalla perdita della serenita’.
Guerra, appunto, fra italiani ed i ‘taliani. 
Allargando il campo della visione il fenomeno diviene macroscopico a tal 
punto che lascia riflettere persino la recente minaccia sferrata dall’IS 
(Stato Islamico) alla citta’ di Roma ed in particolare alle donne.
“Al Queda”ai tempi in cui il Primo Ministro italiano era Silvio Berlusconi, 
colpi’ gli USA, l’Inghilterra, la Spagna ma non giunse mai nemmeno a 
minacciare la sicurezza italiana. In fondo l’Universo e’  solo matematica.
Mario R. Zampella 23 settembre 2014 h. 5.16 pm.

Fatwa Mafia

It sounds very hard the new according which nine firms on ten confiscated at
mafia' ruling, they fails with no hope to survive, asphyxiated from a sort of
mafious "fatwa" which, with the complicities of all the infiltrators inside the
Public Administration, and the compactness of "aficionados" customers, is
able, nine times on ten, to let be impossible the economic prosecution of a
confiscated enterprise.
It reminds a retaliation of war times style, from which emerges very clearly
how much Italy is immersed in no-culture which is feeded from criminal fact
and contests.
It regards a mentality which includes a wide complicity,
capillary and thin, which finds anchorages everywhere and always, just
because the minace is represented from serenity loosing.
Just war, between italians and 'talians.
If we have a more large vision about that phenomenon, it suddenly becomes
macroscopic, until the point it let to think about the recent IS minace to the
Italy safety, particularly to Rome and to its women.
In a parallel vision, "Al Queda", when the Prime Minister in rule was Mr. Silvio
Berlusconi, beated the USA, the Great Britain and the Spain, but it never
minaced the italian safety.
In final consideration, The Universe is just a mathematical phenomenon.
Mario R. Zampella, september 23, 2014 h. 5.16 pm.

mercoledì 10 settembre 2014

Quale PIL ?

La revisione del sistema di calcolo del PIL operata dal SEC (Sistema Europeo 
dei Conti) nel 2010,ricompone il dato indicativo della ricchezza di ogni paese 
in un quadro diverso dal precedente sistema varato nel 1995, comprendendo nel 
cumulo totale della produzione nazionale anche attivita’ illegali, quali il traffico 
di stupefacenti, la prostituzione ed il sommerso relativo a transazioni effettuate 
all’esterno dei parametri legali.
Cio’ conduce ad una reale distorsione della foto annuale che concerne il PIL 
della nazione oggetto d’analisi. Secondo i dati ISTAT relativi all’anno 2011, 
infatti, l’ammontare percentuale relativo alle attivita’ illegali in Italia, sarebbe 
pari a 12,5 punti dell’intero Prodotto Interno Lordo, restituendo l’immagine di 
un’economia piu’ florida, di una pressione fiscale meno grave di quella effettiva 
e di un rapporto deficit/PIL alterato, ovvero piu’ vicino ai parametri imposti 
dagli accordi europei.
Se le attivita’ occulte costituiscono una fetta della produzione nazionale dovrebbero 
ugualmente contribuire al fabbisogno nazionale nella stessa misura proporzionale 
in cui le attivita’ legali apportano il proprio contributo. Sarebbe a dire che per valutare 
la ricchezza reale di una nazione dovrebbe rientrare nel novero della legalita’ ogni 
tipo di attivita’ oggi considerata illegale. Quindi prostituzione, contrabbando, gioco 
d’azzardo, traffico d’armi e di stupefacenti, mazzette, tangenti ed ogni altra forma di 
transazione monetaria che riveste carattere economico, dovrebbe essere riconosciuta 
e disciplinata da regolamenti che ne impongano le dovute partecipazioni alla spesa
Solo cosi’ la foto annuale dell’economia di un paese troverebbe riscontro nel reale 
flusso di capitale circolante, fornendo dati attendibili con relativi bilanci presuntivi 
e consuntivi piu’ aderenti allo sviluppo economico.
Le altre modifiche apportate nel sistema di calcolo, riguardano invece le spese 
sostenute per le attivita’ di ricerca e sviluppo e per gli armamenti, Se prima le stesse 
costituivano voci di costo nei bilanci annuali, ora potranno essere allocate alla voce 
investimenti, essendo suscettibili a produrre nuova ricchezza futura. Per la ricerca e 
lo sviluppo va bene, per gli armamenti non e’ ben comprensibile quale specie di patrimonio produttivo venga ad essere incrementato, vista la sistemica e veloce svalutazione con 
conseguente necessita’ di rinnovamento, nel campo della tecnologia militare. Forse 
il commercio di armi ?
Mario R. Zampella, 10 settembre 2014 h. 10.53 am.

sabato 2 agosto 2014

Odio gli Indifferenti

” Cio’ che avviene, non avviene tanto perche’ alcuni vogliono che avvenga, 
quanto perche’ la massa degli uomini abdica alla sua volonta’, lascia fare, 
lascia aggruppare i nodi che poi solo la spada potra’ tagliare, lascia promulgare
 le leggi che poi solo la rivolta potra’ abrogare, lascia salire al potere gli uomini 
che poi solo un ammutinamento potra’ rovesciare”. 
Questo un breve passo dall’immortale “Odio gli Indifferenti” di Antonio Gramsci, 
quanto mai attuale e persino profetico, attesa la data in cui fu scritto. E la chiusura 
del quotidiano da lui fondato nel ’24, l’Unita’, non e’ altro che l’ennesima conferma 
di cio’ che il grande pensatore affermava nei suoi scritti, rinchiuso in una cella, 
puntando il dito contro coloro affetti dal morbo dell’indifferenza.
Un’altra voce al servizio della democrazia, della giustizia, delle minoranze e’ 
costretta a tacere, per la forza egemonica di un economia incapace di gestire i 
fili se non per il proprio stretto tornaconto.
E ancora: “Chi vive veramente non puo’ non essere cittadino e parteggiare. 
Indifferenza e’ abulia, parassitismo, e’ vigliaccheria, non e’ vita. Percio’ odio 
gli indifferenti. L’indifferenza e’ il peso morto della storia, e’ la palla di piombo 
per il novatore, e’ la materia inerte in cui affogano spesso gli entusiasmi piu’ 
splendenti ………..”
Mario R. Zampella, 02 agosto 2014 h. 2.43 pm.

venerdì 18 luglio 2014

Berlusconi Assolto

“Evviva, la giustizia ha trionfato”. Queste le parole degli
accoliti di un ex politico/manager/azionista/ex cavaliere del
lavoro, per la sua assoluzione in appello dal reato di
sfruttamento della prostituzione minorile e concussione.
Superfluo nominarlo, tutto il mondo lo conosce, quale
protagonista della scena politica dell’ultimo ventennio. Il
Sig. Berlusconi festeggia una vittoria legata all’amoralita’ di
giudici che hanno preferito non pronunciarsi sul libero
arbitrio di chi, con il suo comportamento, ha ridicolizzato
un’intera nazione per l’immagine totalmente negativa, 
connessa alla repressione sessuale di un popolo maschio 
avvezzo allo stupro ed alla violenza sulle donne e per gli 
usi e costumi in ambito politico ed istituzionale, tesi alla 
puntuale e sistematica prevaricazione dei diritti di ogni 
cittadino. Evviva, l’Italia si conferma nella sua atavica radice 
provinciale, gretta e populista. Tuttavia le sentenze vanno 
rispettate e la garanzia d’innocenza in mancanza di prove e’ 
sacra. Eppure qualcuno tento’ di corrompere il funzionario 
dell’anagrafe marocchina detentrice dell’atto di nascita di 
Ruby, cercando di aggiungere almeno qualche mese alla 
tenera eta’ della povera giovinetta. Peccato. Peraltro il 
rottamatore nazionale e’ riuscito nel suo intento nel pensionare 
la vecchia classe dirigente, facendo eccezione per il “grande”
Vecchio, attualmente affidato ai servizi sociali per scontare 
la pena relativa al processo legato ai diritti Mediaset. 
Tant’e’, vizi e difetti di un paese impaludato.
Mario R. Zampella 18 luglio 2014 h. 4.30 pm.

sabato 28 giugno 2014

Where Does Mass Come From ?

Two years ago, the fourth of july of 2012, finally emerged what Peter Higgs
and Francois Englert theorized many years before, the famous so called God's
particle. It concerns a special particle which is responsible of mass' existence
all over around us and it, as the photons for the magneto-electric field,
represents the Higgs' field, which is that area in which the particles, according
the Standard Model, soon after the Big Ben explosion, gained their own mass
to become what we may see all around us, the common matter. The
scientifical experiment has been prooved in CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Accelerator exactly two years ago. But one more theory concerning the mass'
existence, has been prooved few days ago in the Imperial College of London,
where, from two photons' crash, have been created both version of particles,
the matter and the antimatter ones. Someone affirmed that finally, it would
have been discovered the way from which mass emerged into our Universe
and it would be in conflict with the Higg's Boson. In fact as Fabiola Giannotti, a
very significantly member of the CERN's team, explained in a simple model,
that we could imagine the Higgs' Field like a sort of jam substance, in which all
the partcles without mass yet, they passed throughout it, someone getting
mass and someone remaining without it, like photons. Well, now it would be 
interesting which one of both theories is the more credible, at least for the
common reader who just is interested in cooking matter, given that phisic is
very helpfull in that contest. Which are the real and the false masses ?
Guidonia, 27 of juin 2014, h. 06.16 am. Mario R. Zampella

martedì 20 maggio 2014

We're Made of Light

What has been supposed in theory eighty years ago, it became real. A team of
phisicists at the Imperial College of London has been able to convert energy in
matter and antimatter, as the famous Einstein's formula predicted. Light is
made of pure energy and the Einstein equation establish that energy may be
converted in mass and vice versa, as E=mc**. The staff of Oliver Pike, in
London, finally, demonstred by a scientific experiment that the equation may
become a fact, transforming photons in electrons and positrons. It's just a first
step in the infinite possibilities that the perspectives open. In the far 1934,
John Wheeler and Gregory Breit, the first pioneers in the energy field, had no
expectations about their theory, thinking that nobody ever would have been
able to experience that incredible theory. Instead they were wrong. The Pike
team produced two photon beams from different sources, and let them crash
in a "cavity" called "hohlraum" (german) which has the property to keep a
radiation equilibrium in its walls. The crash between photons generated one 
hundred thousand electrons complete of positrons, their correspondant
antimatter. How much time again we must wait before to convert a human
body in pure energy, and let that opposite process happens. May be the key
is behind the corner, despite Philip Warren Anderson printed that sentence
which recites"More is different". We all are made of light.
Guidonia Montecelio 19 of may, 2014 h. 12.00am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 27 marzo 2014

Obama in Italy

President Barack Hussein Obama visited Italy and left his enormous
fingerprint, surrounded from his special organization, decreased from the three
agents dismissed, because in Amsterdam, they got back drunk to the hotel.
Anyway It has been a historical meeting in which he met the Pope Francesco,
the Italy President Napolitano and the new Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The
most emotional event, it has been the Pope meeting, as Obama expressed like
wonderful. The same Pope, some hours before, celebrated the Holy Mess in
which they took part almost the totally italian Parliament members. Francesco
recalled their attention about corruption, one of the first italian problem which
causes the economic crise and that step has been basical for the meeting he
would have had with USA President, just to remark the trend in which Italy
Napolitano and Obama confirmed one more time their friendship and big
respect, both talking in english language. Finally the Renzi meeting, second
time, given that Renzi visited the USA President when he was still the Florence
mayor, in Washington. Renzi soon felt himself very similar at Obama
confessing he always got inspiration from him, and stole him his famous
sentence "We can", referred at the italian new age. Yes, Italy is gonna
changing and the next european election day, on 27 of may, should be the 
final proof if Renzi will be the right man to the Italy lead. Obviously the guest
star, he has been the Pope, who is the only one, until now, to take decisions
without speaking, exactly the opposite of Renzi.
As usually, we just have to wait, eventually paying with our own time and
money, to have confirmations or not about it, one more time again.
Guidonia, 27th march, 2014 h. 09.59 pm. Mario R. Zampella

mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Gravitational Waves

An important frontiere has been reached from Harvard University (USA). Its
big telescope BICEP2, placed among the south pole ice, captured the already
famous, just in a theorical way, gravitational waves. The telescope is able to
intercept the Back Cosmic Radiations, which have been discovered from
Penzias and Wilson in the sixties, and between those signals, incredible to
tell, there's the gravitational waves fingerprint, which would confirm what
Albert Einstein supposed in his General Relativity Theory, helped from the big
astronomer Aleksander Fridman, who has been one of the first scientits to
predict the inflationary model for the Universe developement. The discovering,
in first, confirms the validity of Big Bang theory, and then the space-time
carpet, supposed from Eistein, in which those gravitational waves move from
the first Universe breath.
It remains to validate the dual essence concerning wave-particle reality. The
Graviton could be exist like Photon.
Guidonia, 19 of march, 2014 h. 12.47 pm. Mario R. Zampella.

venerdì 7 marzo 2014

Heart Attack

Some days ago, in Florence (Italy) a man named Riccardo Magherini, died
after a nervous crise. He fell under Police arrest, called from a friend of him,
because he thought to be persecuted from not identified persons. His death,
as the mass-media referred, has been caused from a heart-attack, possible
reaction of a rage crise. It's important to recall one more similar situation,
happened in Ferrara (Italy) some years ago, where another man, Federico
Aldrovandi, died after a Police control. The policemen, in that circumstance,
beat the man several times until his heart stopped to work. Those policemen
has been judged and condamned for that way to do. The case has been
treated in a journalistic key, from Vendemmiati Filippo, who made a very deep
investigation from which had been realized a documentary. In it is described
every step related at the case, included the strange black sign on the dead's
heart, found from the legal doctor who made the authoptical examination. It
would be necessary to comparate both cases, to reach for a possible new
As Hume said, "It's always necessary to give importance at the coincidences".
Guidonia, 06 of march, 2014 h. 4.20 pm. Mario R. Zampella

martedì 25 febbraio 2014

Good and Bad

Recently there's a little diatribe in Italy, concerning the attitude expressed
about the cinical line or the sensitive one. It regards, in few words, the ancient
and many discussed war between good and bad, two concepts that are part of
the same reality, impossible to divide and impossible to solve. To be good it's
the same choice of to be bad and nobody may say which is the most difficult
way between them. It's just possible to affirm that not everybody may do
choices, considering that the great side of people must do something don't
But the problem in this contest, it concernes the talking, or better to say the
topics which are faced with a passionate or cinical position. Some of our
actions could be considered bad choices for the community, but, in a legal
frame, they are admitted. The weight of moral is more or less in each one of
us so it could drive to judge a single action as good, less good, bad or more
bad. To talk about "bad", it represents a fundamental initiative, because it's
always necessary to investigate over the reasons which cause a bad action,
to understand the root of a choice, the first fault which drove a subject toward
a way rather than a different one. In this information era, often we are exposed
at bad news, and day by day, we get habitude about them as if all the world 
were nothing different. Day by day we may risk to forge our personality from
the ache which is around us, forgetting something good which disappears
under the big wave of bad. It needs to be balanced in a sort of infinite wisdom,
to be always careful and awake, able at the death perception, which is just a
single act of our whole life.
Guidonia, 24 of february, 2014 h. 1.17 am. Mario R. Zampella

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2014

De Blasio Open New York

In Italy, like almost all over the world, it works a law, so called Bossi-Fini, which
contemplates the clandestine immigration as penal violation. In USA too there's
a similar law, to decrease the big flow of immigrants, but the New York Major
De Blasio, provided to recognize each clandestine who lives in the City giving
him an Identify Document which helps the not visible persons to accede at the
several services available for the citizens.
It is a big step, which try to extend the concept of a unic world, without
frontieres and limitations, given that, recently, Switzerland voted a law which
close the borders, violating the european agreements concerning the free
circulation in all the member countries.
Too many time must flow before the world will be one, as John Lennon sang,
but the special initiative of De Blasio, open a new way in that direction.
I hope to be a citizen of the world.
Guidonia, 12 of february 2014 h. 1.55 pm. Mario R. Zampella

domenica 9 febbraio 2014

Cannabis Legalization

There has been a big demonstration in Rome against the Giovanardi-Fini law,
which contemplates severe punishements for anyone who uses cannabis
grass for recreational reasons. After Uruguay marjuana legalization, pushed
from the President Pepe Mujica, and Colorado (USA) freeness for free use
and business of light drug, followed from New York State, which provided to
legalize marjiuana for medical use, in Italy too grew up the wave of people
who'd like a complete clearance concerning accession and its commerce.
Many centuries ago, coffee was a forbidden substance in Egypt, as well, just
seventy years ago, alcohol in USA was banned, and, considering that today
we all may consume both them with no sanctions, it appears rather suspect
why marjiuana is still a forbidden drug.
It belongs to the light drugs class and it has a millenary tradition in several
country of the world. Today no kind of science study classified marjiuana as
dangerous matter, or, at least, not more than tobacco or similar stuff. Further
all it is object of criminal association business , so, each one who would like to
have the experience of a tasting, would become a criminal too. There are
millions of people all over the world who use marjiuana, for recreational
reason, and all them would belong to criminal organizations. Many of them 
use it for religion rites, as Rasta or Indu' believers, many other
for therapeutic causes, others for relax time and finally some other simply for
transgression. Policemen too use it, and its legalization could help them and
society to spend energy and time in a better way fighting the real criminal acts.
Netherland faced the problem around thirty years ago, and decided for a
localized legalization, being able in that way to control the whole legal market
and production. It works good, despite sometime somebody complains about
We crossed the second millennium and we all should comprehend what is the
mean of evolution civilty and how freedom signification changed in the last
centuries. The topic surely concernes prostitution too, which is tolerated but
not admitted, thus the euthanasia and related biologic testament.
Law should be a couple of comfortable shoes.
Guidonia, 9 of february 2014 h. 2.50am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 6 febbraio 2014

Italy Corruption

$Three days ago the European Committee's Commissary of Internal Affairs,
Cecile Malstrom, declared what's the italian weight in the total amount of
european costs concerning the corruption phenomenon. For one hundred
twenty billions of euro, Italy costs sixty ones. It represents the half size and
Malstrom has been severe remembering the several "ad personam" laws,
created in the Berlusconi government, which would have open a more easy
way to the italian citizens, to feel themselves legitimate at corruption acts. But
the phenomenon history, we could say it was born in the far '92, when Judge
Di Pietro, with his pool, let explose the "clean hands gate", in which several
politicians, enterpriser and public employeds, in first Mr. Bettino Craxi, were
involved in kickback affairs.
In a few years, the Italy classification in the world Corruption Perception, as
Transparency International reported, recorded an unbelievable decrease,
fixing itself, in the last 2013, at the 69° place.
Corruption Phenomenon in Italy has very ancient roots, as well racism and 
fascism, and it regards the closed interlace between mafia and public
institutions, in which it's just the "price" to establish the measure of exchange.
It represents a grave disease which beats the Italy collective conscience, very
difficult to cure. Honest people waits for his turn, an infinite waiting, given that,
corruptors and corrupted use a more convincing topic: money.
This way to do, represents an enormous drag for the economic developement
and for faith in institutions. Things goes on just if conditions are the one fixed
from the system.
Union Europe, as President Napolitano affirmed yesterday at the European
Parliament, is the only chance for Italy to hope in a better future, declaring in
absolute terms, that it will be impossible to go back, getting out of the Union,
despite several opposite demonstrations from Padania Lega members, who
was present in the chamber.
Shame exhibitions, sons of ancient roots difficult to extinguish, a very hard
cure necessary.
Guidonia, 05 of february, 2014 h. 10.45 am. Mario R. Zampella