giovedì 30 luglio 2015

Beware Varoufakis

It's a very hard way the one that ex Minister Varoufakis proposed to help
Greece to come out of the crise. An euro parallel money value, to put in the
greek market fresh money without the UE consense. It remembers the
"greenback" operation, from President Lincoln. It meant new kind of money
which didn't give interests to the banks association, and it's not excluded that
his death comes up just from that branch, having been, probably, his killer a
Rotshild's agent, one of the most important banks' owner. Same destiny
happens to President J. F. Kennedy, who had the intention get off the money
control from Federal Reserve and to stop the Vietnam war. Both the
Presidents had been killed, and there are many coincidences which tie their
deaths. So get beware Mister Varoufakis. Rather it would be interesting the
microcredit invented from Mohammed Yunus, a different way, uncomfortable
too but with very large alliances with people.
30 of july 2015, h. 2.16 pm. Mario R. Zampella

venerdì 24 luglio 2015

Rome, Italy, World and 452B Planet

The New York Times dedicated an article concerning the serious situation is
living Rome in the last two years, which consists in the several connections
between mafia and Public Institutions. Time ago, before the above one, the
same important daily newspaper, affirmed there's no corner in Italy in which
mafia doesn't work. Effectively the times are not good, but the actual founding
is just the result of years and years in which nobody has ever had the courage
to open the tap. We could say that since the 2nd World War, mafia, in
alternate phases, worked with Public Institutions helping each other in the
several problems every time they had to face. So the mutual collaboration
became a sort of deal until the violence has been too high to tolerate. So the
criminal acts disappeared, but not the collaboration, particullary in the political
fields. Now the economic damage, over all the citizens, let emerge the
consciousness about the real map which figures the whole Italian and
international system, based on the close and silenciously alliance between the
State and the antiState. The path is long and difficult and nobody think to be
out of that. Lucky is that country which doesn't need heroes. For the moment
we just could dream to go to 452B planet, the new found earth twin, one
thousand and more light years distant from us. I would be there. (dedicated to
my mother 02.27.192907.24.2000)
24 of july 2015 h. 12.09 pm. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 16 luglio 2015

Nuclear and Ordinary Weapons

Today is the 70th. anniversary from the first atomic bomb explosion. It has
been a trial, included in the Manhattan Project, which saw for the first time the
blasting effects of a nuclear reaction activated from human being. After 70
years from that day, finally, some days ago, it has been reached one of the
most important agreement which concerns the relationships between USA
and Iran, in particular about the Iran atomic bomb production, heritage of
Hackmadinejad government. The plane consists in a mutual collaboration
which abolish every sanction against the Iran and the immediatly stopping of
each action concerning the nuclear weapon researches. Day by day the
Einstein and Russell manifesto is coming out as a contemporary emergence.
It remains to rule all the ordinary weapon markets, a topic very closed to the
Hillary Clinton campaigne for the next year President elction day. The Obama
final run will have not time to solve one of the biggest problem of USA.
16 of july 2015 h. 12.07 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

lunedì 13 luglio 2015

Coscienza e Realta'

E' recente la pubblicazione di una lettera aperta indirizzata a Christof Koch, (v.
Le Scienze 11.07.2015) neuroscienziato romantico che ha rivolto i suoi studi a
cio' che concerne l'essenza della coscienza umana, da parte di altri cinque
eminenti studiosi, Oliver Sacks, Antonio Damasio, Gil B. Carvalho, Norman D.
Cook, Harry T. Hunt, i quali desumono l'estrema e finale manifestazione di
coscienza lungo un percorso neurobiologico in cui ogni cellula, occupata nel
suo incessante lavorio di filtraggio degli elementi nella complessa interazione
metabolica, determinerebbe l'ultima e decisiva formazione di cio' che e' anche
definito consapevolezza.
L'approccio al tema della coscienza e della sua manifestazione e' questione
antica e filosofica, ma la scienza, nel corso dei due ultimi secoli, da Freud in
poi, ne cerca i fondamenti e le dimostrazioni valide secondo il metodo classico
scientifico. E cosi' Francis Crick, scopritore insieme a Watson dell'elica del
DNA, che nel 2003 afferma l'esistenza della coscienza in un punto preciso
nella regione limbica del cervello, oppure Andrew Duggins, altro neurologo
inglese, il quale tenta una descrizione della coscienza lungo il cammino
quantistico, sino ad affermare che la stessa sia il frutto di ogni singola
esperienza individuale, sempre diversa una dall'altra seppure apparentemente 
uguale, registrata attraverso la prassi della dottrina neuronale in un processo
in cui la meccanica quantistica fa il suo ingresso nei microtubuli presenti nel
cervello, come S. Hameroff teorizzava. In sostanza la realta' a noi tutti
percepibile, sarebbe un'esperienza del tutto personale, mediata
dall'eleborazione della coscienza la quale sarebbe a sua volta interconnessa
con l'immenso entanglement quantistico di cui siamo parte. Max Tegmark,
altro fisico emergente, pero' ne eccepisce un limite e cioe' la velocita' di
decoerenza quantistica, non compatibile con la velocita' degli impulsi elettrici
In sintesi sarebbe auspicabile l'unificazione dei punti di vista in una visione
multidisciplinare, attraverso cui ogni aspetto venga interconnesso ed inglobato
in un quadro piu' ampio ed esaustivo. Roger Penrose affermo' che "La realta'
e' solo una cospirazione dei sensi"
13 luglio 2015 h. 11.56 am Mario R. Zampella

venerdì 10 luglio 2015

A Chance For Democracy

"Many enemies, many honor". This is the famous sentence which Mussolini
liked say, so let's avoid to talk about the recent Berlusconi's conviction, three
more years for electoral corruption, after he payed his debt for the fiscal fraud.
Let's talk instead about the critical economic state in which Greece is sailing.
Last sunday the electoral expression of Grrece people decided for an escape
from European Community and, being it the first time in the history of the
Europe States, it represented a hard beat to the whole economic asset. The
relationships between the nation and the European Commission took one
more time again a speed. Economy Minister Varoufakis dismissed himself
affirming he wants help the Prime Minister Tsipras as a close collaboration.
Tsipras got ready with a new economic plane which is, as France President
Hollande declared, believable and possible. Finally, the several armers, never
submitted to the local taxes for foreign gains, will give their contributions to
the nation. Europe can't lose Greece as financial power can't win against
political choices. President Obama too insisted for a solution which would
solve the problems of deep misery of a country which, two thousand years
ago, taugh the whole west countries how to use the mind.
10 of july, 2015 Mario R. Zampella