giovedì 29 ottobre 2015

Cause Effect - What's Behind ?

Is it our life a deterministic or casual event ? All the facts that happen, are they
a mere accident or the fruit of a structured drawn ? Classic physic teaches us
that all relations between the events are just the result of causeeffect
reaction. Quantistic physic doesn't follow the same concept having a fuzzy
beahvior, sometime not easy to understand. Albert Einstein accepted the new
discovery, based on discrete packets energy emission, but he couldn't accept
the actually known entanglement reaction. The EPR (EinsteinPodolskyRosen)
phenomenon was just a trial to have a deterministic proof about the so
called "spooky action", which would be a simultaneously interaction between
particles, even if they are light years far from each other. Some day ago, one
more experiment, as the New York Times reported, led in Netherlands at the
Delft University of Technology, confirmed, one more time, the discovery made
from John Stewart Bell and Alain Aspect, regarding the distance relation
between partcles, despite the distance separated them. Last 25 of august, to
the Barcelona Photonic Science Institute, researchers have been able to
create a new state of matter, and that was the result of the same BellAspect
intuition. 500 atoms suddenly got in an entaglement state, giving to the life an
unknown matter state. These are very important discoveries, which confirm
that there's a very different world behind the classic physic, which could be
responsible of all the event that we call just coincidences. The famous
"butterfly effect", by Edward Lorenz, the chaos theory inventor, could have a
reason of life, as all the unexplained, illogical or misterious events, in a near
future, may be will be solved following the cited experiment. Can a falling
autumn leave be an earthquake cause ?
29 of october 2015 h. 3.29 am. Mario R. Zampella ©

sabato 17 ottobre 2015

Back to the Future

Next 21 of october it will be celebrated a particular event: the selected future
day, inside the time machine in the movie "Back to the Future". After 30
years, there's no kind of time machine yet, at least, as information tell us. But
the time machine idea runs in the time crossing years and years. Frank Tipler,
a very tiny scientist, predicted that it was enough to reach the half light speed,
aboard a spinning disk, to visit the future. Paul Davis too, famous phisycian,
theorized a time machine able to cross the worm holes, special tunnels which
tie different time dimension. He also cited, in his book, "How to Build a Time
Machine", the Einstein Special Relativity, to visit future and past, reaching the
stop of the time, at the top of velocity, then going to the past, reaching two
times that velocity. Not possible in terrestrial contests. One other chance,
could be to travel aboard of a spiral galaxy. May be I'll try it. All of us probably
have dreamed sometime about a time travel, much has been written and
much movies have been made. If we were able to stop the time we would
become immortal, but we would remain motionless too. Would it be a good
life ?
17 of october 2015 h. 3.27 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

sabato 10 ottobre 2015

Time, Mass and Space

Let's try to explain some more concept about the time dimension, after the first
trial failed given that the article I wrote misteriously disappeared. As it's been
shown in the "Time, Unknown Dimension Yet" article, the time it is a changing
dimension related at its velocity. It could be demonstred, in a theorical way,
imagining to be in motionless and looking a ray light which runs aboard a
space ship at light velocity. The ray, starting from the floor to the top of the
ship, will not appear in its right line, as we are used to see, but like a
ypotenuse of a triangle rectangle. Being it longer than the vertical way that the
ray would have ran in motionless, the necessary time time to reach the top of
the ship, is longer too. It's clear that the ray lenght depends from the speed:
more fast is the space ship, more slow is the light ray velocity, until to become
infinite at the finite speed light, which is 299792 Km/s. The Einstein Relativity
Theory, explains, in mathematic language, what it happens traveling at speed
light. Newton formuled those changing states too, but they are valid just in a
terrestrial contest. Two more elements are contemplated in the Special
Relativity and they are the space and the mass. The first one, has a opposite
behavior. It doesn't become infinite, but it transforms itself in a sort of a
pancake. Practically, at the speed light, a rect line would become as zero
whilemean, a mass, would become infinite like the time. Thus, imagining
whatever you want, with mass, launched at speed light and seen from a
motionless place, it would be similar at squeezed tomato. Hard to believe, but
the picture shown above, could give the idea about the distorsions that the
objects have when the camera is traveling. Practically the opposite
phenomenon in which the object travels and the motionless eye observes.
The picture concerns some Pompei columns, curved on themselves for the
camera velocity effect.
09 of october 2015 h. 12.58 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

sabato 3 ottobre 2015

Sanitary Assistance

The Health Ministery of Italy is studying the spending review about the
Sanitary costs. The last idea, which is just a law project, concerns the
limitation of diagnostic examinations, to stop each abuse from doctors who
prefer to control by them rather than to risk their professionality and possible
court judgements. So the new law project provides for a punishement to all the
doctors who'll abuse of sanitary assistance. The field is very delicate, because
we have the best technology we ever had in the last century which could save
lives, and we should avoid to use it because expensive. Doctors are not happy
because they found themselves between the blade of patients and the one of
State. Beginning from the Italian Constitution, we may read that the State
guarantee each citizen health, but only the diagnostic activity is able to
confirm if a person is sick or not. So it would be logic to start from the point in
which the disease is prooved. In that case the Health Ministery must pay each
one cost concerning the cures. So, each examination should be made in a
hanging line; after it, if the patient is sane, he'll be able and happy to pay all
the costs or part of them, linked at his economic situation. At the opposite
hand, if the patient is sick, the State will provide about the cures, paying all the
costs, included the first ones from which the disease has been found. Minister
Lorenzin proposed a law which help nobody, but the State cash.
03 of october 2015 h. 10.22 am Mario R. Zampella ©