sabato 3 ottobre 2015

Sanitary Assistance

The Health Ministery of Italy is studying the spending review about the
Sanitary costs. The last idea, which is just a law project, concerns the
limitation of diagnostic examinations, to stop each abuse from doctors who
prefer to control by them rather than to risk their professionality and possible
court judgements. So the new law project provides for a punishement to all the
doctors who'll abuse of sanitary assistance. The field is very delicate, because
we have the best technology we ever had in the last century which could save
lives, and we should avoid to use it because expensive. Doctors are not happy
because they found themselves between the blade of patients and the one of
State. Beginning from the Italian Constitution, we may read that the State
guarantee each citizen health, but only the diagnostic activity is able to
confirm if a person is sick or not. So it would be logic to start from the point in
which the disease is prooved. In that case the Health Ministery must pay each
one cost concerning the cures. So, each examination should be made in a
hanging line; after it, if the patient is sane, he'll be able and happy to pay all
the costs or part of them, linked at his economic situation. At the opposite
hand, if the patient is sick, the State will provide about the cures, paying all the
costs, included the first ones from which the disease has been found. Minister
Lorenzin proposed a law which help nobody, but the State cash.
03 of october 2015 h. 10.22 am Mario R. Zampella ©

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