giovedì 30 gennaio 2014

President Napolitano Impeachment Request

Very hard times in Italy, after the President Napolitano impeachment request,
presented from the Five Stars Movement and related at several, according
them, constitutional violations. In particular, M5S Movement, at the opposition
side, charges Napolitano about the following points:
1) Legislative Functions Expropriation and Emergency Legislate Power Abuse.
    The Judiciary Italian System contemplates the possibility to product laws in a
    fast way, when the emergency situations are requested. Thus the laws avoid
    the double control from the two Parliament branch and once signed from the
    President, they are valid for ninety days, within which, the law must be
    approved with classic rite. The particular crise in which Italy lives, has 
    indispensably driven the new government to adopt that kind of procedure.
2) Constitution Reforms.
    President Napolitano would have asked to the Parliament the constitutional
    reform, aiming to a new apparatus which transform it in more flexible rules.
    We have a Constitution Paper which has been made in the far 1948 and it's
    always possible to change it toward a more modern and flexible paper, which
    is up dated at current times.
3) Not Contistutional Law Proposals Signed from President, avoiding to refuse
    Some time ago, the Parliement presented a couple of law proposals, defined
    not constitutional, but President Napolitano approved them with no opposition.
   The problem is that each law is put under President control, but, if he wants to
   refuse it, the same law goes back to the chambers which can propose it
   without any correction and President must sign it at all. So Napolitano would
   have just cut an useless time losing.
4) Second Mandate to the President.
    M5S Movement contests the second election of Napolitano, because the
    Constitution does not contemplate this singular situation. In detail, the italian
    fundamental paper recites: "The elected President can operate for seven
    years", nothing more. He would be just one new President, with same name
   and human lineaments.
5) Grace Power Abuse.
     Italian President has the power to give the grace, in circumscribed situations,
     and he provided to give it at an american CIA members, Joseph Romano, 
     involved in the Abu Omar case, and to a journalist called A. Sallusti,
     condamned for calumniation. The first grace has been gift for the particular
     and delicate relationships between USA and Italy, concerning the new
     measures adopted from Obama in super power used for terrorism fight.
    The second one, has been given as guarantee to the freedom of expression,
    and all the italian parties were agree about that.
6) Mafia-State Relationships.
    The last point concernes the telephon interceptions related at several callings
    between Mancino 7, who was the Chairman of Magistrate Council, and the
    President. Mancino is involved in the State-Mafia relationships but the words
    spoken between him and Napolitano, would haven't been significantly for the
    judge who's leading the investigation.
These are the reasons for which M5S Movement asked the President
impeachment, a man who surely would prefere to spend his time in complete
relax and out from these diatribes too ridicolous, too baby talks.
Guidonia, 30 of january, 2014 h. 3.35 pm. Mario R. Zampella

sabato 25 gennaio 2014

Shoah Memory Day

The 27 of january we celebrate the Shoah Memory Day. Year by year it's
necessary to remember what then it happened hoping it will never happen
again. Today things have changed and minds are more sofisticated but the
risk is always at the door, seeing the evolution world. It will never happen the
same, we all have the consciousness about it, but we are still witness of
racism episodes, of absurd religion wars and dictatorship regimes.
What every year we hope on 27 of january, is an evolution jump, a step which
bring us to a state of mind free from prejudices and always full of respect
toward human beings, animals and nature.
Recently one more proof rose up from the past, concerning those terrible
days. A film realized from Alfred Hitchcock, in which, one more time, grew up
the whole tragedy tied at Shoah, despite eminents and respected history
teachers affirm that that was just a very good fiction.
Mistakes are part of life, is just the mind must accept them, knowing how say
sorry, knowing how to say to be repeant.
Guidonia, january 25, 2014 h. 11.35 am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 23 gennaio 2014

Italy Democrat Party

Last twenty years they have been a very hard period in Italy, because a very
mighty and rich man, decided for the country and for all the people, just only
thinking at own interest. All the world knows who is him, and knows why and
how he had been able to be the Italy chief for that long time. The problem is
that he's still the Italy chief, despite the Supreme Court charged him for fiscal
evasion (it reminds Al Capone), and his power, today yet, seems to scare
somebody. Recently has been named the new Democratic Party Secretary,
Mr. Matteo Renzi, and he well thought to open a table around a very sensitive
topic, the electoral law. It concernes a problem discussed along all the last
eight years, and now that the Constitutional Court denied its validity, it's the
time to change it.
Mr. Renzi invited the mighty and rich person, who still led the Renzi opposite
party, at his table and together they talked about the topic. Logically a part of
Democrat Party was not agree about that meeting, in first because the rich 
and mighty man was finally put in a corner for his bad behavior and, over all,
because he's actually an out law person, who's still waiting for new other
judgements. The forces balance in Italy seems to be given not from legal
assett but from an invisible courtin which involves every body, and Mr. Renzi
could have organized that meeting just to live his new position under the
comfortable and protective umbrella offered from his best enemy. Uneasy to
believe, uneasy to accept a similar friendship, based on, one more time, the
mutual consense which approves the fiscal evasion as a citizens' protest.
Guidonia, january 22, 2014 h. 9.20 am. Mario R. Zampella