giovedì 27 marzo 2014

Obama in Italy

President Barack Hussein Obama visited Italy and left his enormous
fingerprint, surrounded from his special organization, decreased from the three
agents dismissed, because in Amsterdam, they got back drunk to the hotel.
Anyway It has been a historical meeting in which he met the Pope Francesco,
the Italy President Napolitano and the new Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The
most emotional event, it has been the Pope meeting, as Obama expressed like
wonderful. The same Pope, some hours before, celebrated the Holy Mess in
which they took part almost the totally italian Parliament members. Francesco
recalled their attention about corruption, one of the first italian problem which
causes the economic crise and that step has been basical for the meeting he
would have had with USA President, just to remark the trend in which Italy
Napolitano and Obama confirmed one more time their friendship and big
respect, both talking in english language. Finally the Renzi meeting, second
time, given that Renzi visited the USA President when he was still the Florence
mayor, in Washington. Renzi soon felt himself very similar at Obama
confessing he always got inspiration from him, and stole him his famous
sentence "We can", referred at the italian new age. Yes, Italy is gonna
changing and the next european election day, on 27 of may, should be the 
final proof if Renzi will be the right man to the Italy lead. Obviously the guest
star, he has been the Pope, who is the only one, until now, to take decisions
without speaking, exactly the opposite of Renzi.
As usually, we just have to wait, eventually paying with our own time and
money, to have confirmations or not about it, one more time again.
Guidonia, 27th march, 2014 h. 09.59 pm. Mario R. Zampella

mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Gravitational Waves

An important frontiere has been reached from Harvard University (USA). Its
big telescope BICEP2, placed among the south pole ice, captured the already
famous, just in a theorical way, gravitational waves. The telescope is able to
intercept the Back Cosmic Radiations, which have been discovered from
Penzias and Wilson in the sixties, and between those signals, incredible to
tell, there's the gravitational waves fingerprint, which would confirm what
Albert Einstein supposed in his General Relativity Theory, helped from the big
astronomer Aleksander Fridman, who has been one of the first scientits to
predict the inflationary model for the Universe developement. The discovering,
in first, confirms the validity of Big Bang theory, and then the space-time
carpet, supposed from Eistein, in which those gravitational waves move from
the first Universe breath.
It remains to validate the dual essence concerning wave-particle reality. The
Graviton could be exist like Photon.
Guidonia, 19 of march, 2014 h. 12.47 pm. Mario R. Zampella.

venerdì 7 marzo 2014

Heart Attack

Some days ago, in Florence (Italy) a man named Riccardo Magherini, died
after a nervous crise. He fell under Police arrest, called from a friend of him,
because he thought to be persecuted from not identified persons. His death,
as the mass-media referred, has been caused from a heart-attack, possible
reaction of a rage crise. It's important to recall one more similar situation,
happened in Ferrara (Italy) some years ago, where another man, Federico
Aldrovandi, died after a Police control. The policemen, in that circumstance,
beat the man several times until his heart stopped to work. Those policemen
has been judged and condamned for that way to do. The case has been
treated in a journalistic key, from Vendemmiati Filippo, who made a very deep
investigation from which had been realized a documentary. In it is described
every step related at the case, included the strange black sign on the dead's
heart, found from the legal doctor who made the authoptical examination. It
would be necessary to comparate both cases, to reach for a possible new
As Hume said, "It's always necessary to give importance at the coincidences".
Guidonia, 06 of march, 2014 h. 4.20 pm. Mario R. Zampella