sabato 26 settembre 2015

Time, Unknown Dimension Yet

"Time is on my side" sang Mick Jagger, and it could be said he was right,
seeing his state of health. Time is just a convention we invented to be
synchronized in the earth contest, and nuclear particles, give us the right
measure about its flowing. But time is never the same, considering the speed
effect and mass' weight. Albert Einstein explained it, with Special Relativity
theory, which gives different times in different speeds, as well the General
Relativity, explains that time changes in the different height we could live. The
first consideration establishes that, running iin an empty space, my time is
slower and longer than the one of an eventual observer who's in motionless.
The second discovery, concerns the space time carpet, in which all the
masses stay. There too, the time changes with the mass' weight changing,
being slower and longer in a big mass than the the time which splits on a
lighter mass. Resuming, when I'm flying aboard a plane which runs at high
speed, my time flows slowly so I'll get old later than a living person on the
earth. In the same way, if I live in the lower place of earth, I'll be younger than
the living person who stays on the top of a mountain. It seems to be a
contraddiction, considering that earth whirl around itself, and that, if I stay on
the higher top of the equator line, I should percept both the effects, the one
tied to the velocity and the one tied to the mass weight. Usually paradoxes of
25 of september 2015 h. 4.10 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

venerdì 11 settembre 2015

Twin Towers. Are They Still Waiting ?

They flew 14 years from the twin towers disaster. There had been a long war
against Afghanistan and Iraq. The Al Queda responsible, Osama Bin Laden,
has been killed as the Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein, but the conflict has no
end. Nay, in the last times we may assist at the tragedy of war refugees, who
land in Europe from several sides of the world. Everything was born from that
day, even if the Al Queda organization was active from ten and more years
before 09/11. Despite justice has been done, many of the official history
researchers have serious doubts about that event. Starting from the
conspiration theorists, (among them it's possible to read the Thierry Meyssan
book) until to very important journalists (among them there's the italian Giulio
Chiesa) who insist about the biggest theft that the institutions could tell to the
people. Why ? Their version is believable but not acceptable. Sometime
someone suspects about the ISIS as it could be a bluff, created and
manipulated from same institutions, but, as Edward Luttwak recently declared
in an interview released at an italian journalist: "If you think that ISIS
organization is fake, you're out of the information circle". May be that is the
true problem. Press information is able no more to express its freedom role, at
the democracy side. Who knows, may be, in a different place and in a different
time the Twin Towers are still there, with their living victims inside, waiting for
the truth.
(Dedicated to my father 09/10/2001-09/10/2015)
10 of september 2015 h. 6.39 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

sabato 5 settembre 2015

Rome, Uneasy Problem

The Mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, finally came back from his holiday in
U.S.A.. He, logically, already knew what it happened during his absence. A big
mafia's mourning last 20 of august, of Vittorio Casamonica, a known big
Rome's boss. In Italy it has been a scandal, because the church didn't refuse
to celebrate the funeral, when in the past refused to celebrate the funeral of a
man called Giorgio Welby, died for a terminal disease under his request. More
over, for an helicopter from which someone threw flowers all over the
participants, with no authorization to fly in the Rome sky. Mayor Marino has
been attacked from several sides, because would have had come back in
Italy, immediatly, or, should have not had to leave for his holidays. Just two
days ago, a big demonstration with the Mayor ahead, went in the same square
in which the funeral had been, against mafia and similar events in which a lot
of people express agreeableness for that way to live. The demonstration had
not consequences, and Mayor Marino closed the meeting affirming that "as
Rome threw out fascists and nazists, as well will throw out mafia too". The
problem, I ask myself, where they put them, given that, the prisons are already
filled and not in legal conditions, as European Union recently remarked, and
mafia really counts many persons. In that circumstance, they have been
arrested 117, but the funeral counted thousands. May be is more simple to let
honests get out of Italy and close the country with a big wall all around the
borders, calling it "Italy Penitentiary". Done.
05 of september 2015 h. 6.50 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

venerdì 4 settembre 2015

Was It a Zumino Secret ?

Let's suppose that the Bruno Zumino theory, concerning the Super Simmetry,
is real, we all and the matter around us should be just the square root of our
correspondent super partners. Thus we could imagine that our life is ruled
from a different dimension, which decides, minute by minute, which and how
has been and will be our life. As superpartners particle, it could exist a
superpartner brain, which control everything is tied to our existence, from
sickness to the pharmacological relief, from the economy control to the misery
causes, from the birth to the death. If it were real, we would live under a
futurist regime, which guarantees just the image of a fake democracy,
considered that big part of human thought is pushed in the way to establish a
permanent dictatorship. An imagination work may lead to these kind of results,
specially when, after centuries of mistakes have taught nothing to the human
03 of september 2015 h. 6.42 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©