venerdì 11 settembre 2015

Twin Towers. Are They Still Waiting ?

They flew 14 years from the twin towers disaster. There had been a long war
against Afghanistan and Iraq. The Al Queda responsible, Osama Bin Laden,
has been killed as the Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein, but the conflict has no
end. Nay, in the last times we may assist at the tragedy of war refugees, who
land in Europe from several sides of the world. Everything was born from that
day, even if the Al Queda organization was active from ten and more years
before 09/11. Despite justice has been done, many of the official history
researchers have serious doubts about that event. Starting from the
conspiration theorists, (among them it's possible to read the Thierry Meyssan
book) until to very important journalists (among them there's the italian Giulio
Chiesa) who insist about the biggest theft that the institutions could tell to the
people. Why ? Their version is believable but not acceptable. Sometime
someone suspects about the ISIS as it could be a bluff, created and
manipulated from same institutions, but, as Edward Luttwak recently declared
in an interview released at an italian journalist: "If you think that ISIS
organization is fake, you're out of the information circle". May be that is the
true problem. Press information is able no more to express its freedom role, at
the democracy side. Who knows, may be, in a different place and in a different
time the Twin Towers are still there, with their living victims inside, waiting for
the truth.
(Dedicated to my father 09/10/2001-09/10/2015)
10 of september 2015 h. 6.39 pm. Mario R. Zampella ©

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