domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Space Light

Some day ago, I sent a question to Samantha Cristoforetti, the equipe italian
member who's now aboard the International Space Station around the earth,
which asked if light, at 28.000 Km/h speed, deflected its beam, as the Einstein
elevator principle suggests. The question was born from different
interpretations which can be read in the several notes written from scientists
and physicians. Some of them says that light deflects its beam, faithfull to the
Equivalence Priciple, some other says that light follows the space time curve,
generated from the mass which rests on it. All of us know the Special
Relativity formula, which establishes that a beam light, closed in a moving
space ship, at high speed next to the light one, can be seen from a stationary
observer like a deflected beam, which suggests the time dilation at that speed.
It's called Relativivty just because the effect is only related respect at the
stationary observer. The case changes when the light could be curved from
the velocity, in absolute terms, because the time dilation becomes an universal
principle. Anyway, we all wait for the experiment aboard the ISS around the
earth, who knows, may be something new gets out, may be a new born Jesus.
28 of december 2014 h.2.54 pm.Mario R.Zampella ©

sabato 13 dicembre 2014

Hard Times in Rome

What does it happen in Rome ? The old City is living hard moments because
the recent criminal organization discovering, which revealed a new bad
picture of a one of the most famous city in the world. More than 60 persons
have been arrested in a bad affairs entanglement, which involves politicians,
criminal members and old fascists militants. Italian new mafia has no political
colour. It follows money wherever it is, with no pity or particular privilege. And
there'll be a big international meeting in the next days, in the same city, which
concerns several of the most Nobel Price known in the last years, for the
annual Peace Prize which will be assigned, in this circumstance, to the
famous film director Bernardo Bertolucci. Special guest, among the Peace
Nobel Prize, is His Holiness Dalai Lama, who will not meet Pope Francesco,
because the delicate existent balance between Italy and China Governments.
Has Religion a colour ? Pope Francesco remarked it in his recent visit in
Turkey, opening his arms to islamic congregation. Probably there are two
weights an two measures. It's a very hard Christmas that's coming in these
last days of the year to Rome.
12 of december 2014 h. 10.48 am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

New Obama's Method

This could be the new CIA's torture Obama's method. It's sure everybody will talk ... unless ...