mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Gravitational Waves

An important frontiere has been reached from Harvard University (USA). Its
big telescope BICEP2, placed among the south pole ice, captured the already
famous, just in a theorical way, gravitational waves. The telescope is able to
intercept the Back Cosmic Radiations, which have been discovered from
Penzias and Wilson in the sixties, and between those signals, incredible to
tell, there's the gravitational waves fingerprint, which would confirm what
Albert Einstein supposed in his General Relativity Theory, helped from the big
astronomer Aleksander Fridman, who has been one of the first scientits to
predict the inflationary model for the Universe developement. The discovering,
in first, confirms the validity of Big Bang theory, and then the space-time
carpet, supposed from Eistein, in which those gravitational waves move from
the first Universe breath.
It remains to validate the dual essence concerning wave-particle reality. The
Graviton could be exist like Photon.
Guidonia, 19 of march, 2014 h. 12.47 pm. Mario R. Zampella.

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