venerdì 6 novembre 2015

Has The Non-Sense a Sense ?

(link CNN)
"lfdk o poi àlk pok èpi èpik fàdzihùpoi
lfòplfkdòioputryt90eoièpklòààòòòòcàòkàòk iè èòkfèihù,
mòoàò moupoy dytr
oiò èpo+èù àòkài èpi èp cxruoiewè"

The above sentence represents an example about the meant of the whole life
representation. We all think that every expression has a sense in the way it
could be comprehended from another human being. In reality, every kind of
expressions, even the non sense ones, have a meant. These last, we are not
able to understand them, but there's a meant anyway. It's just what Ferdinand
De Saussure considered like something to discover. The great literary studier,
spent his whole life trying to interpretate the hidden sense in every word he
could read, almost becoming crazy. I typed the above words in a casual way,
so they belong to a jamming act, which is probable has a sense, even if I don't
understand it. May be, within thousand years, the phrase will be
comprehended, considering that, in that time, many other discovering will be
done. It's like a puzzle frame which takes form, piece by piece. Even the blackout of last 29 october 2015, could have a different
reason and a different sense, from the recorded real one.
05 of november 2015 h. 11.01 pm. Mario R. Zampella © (Has the Non Sense a Sense ?)

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