The light interacts with matter. Everybody knows the healthy effect of light on
human body since 1893, when the Nobel Prize Niels Ryberg Finsen, a Danish
doctor, published in that year "On the effects of light on the skin". On 1921,
the light radiation study let win the Nobel Prize to Albert Einstein too, for the
"Photoelectric Effect", and today, there are many phototherapies which are
applied to the cancer cure, transferring particle accelerators knowledge on
medicine sector. So, it is largely known, the light has a big interaction with
matter, and it is possible to verify it just watching the sun light which beats a
metal surface. Its reflection reveals, at naked eye, something that's appears
like a big energy concentration. In the subatomic world, that phenomenon is
explained in the way that photons are able to throw out the present electrons.
The photovoltaic panels energy is the most common example about the light
interaction on matter. Just two days ago, an australian researcher, Cloe Loi,
has been able to take the picture of several ionized gaz tubes, out of the
planet athmosphere. One more light interaction, which is able to produce the
plasma around the earth, a sort of matter defined fourth state, after solid,
liquid and gaz ones. Well, after all one of the first phisic law says that "nothing
is created and nothing is destroyed but everything takes transformation".
16 of juin, 2015 h. 11.20 am. Mario R. Zampella
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