mercoledì 18 febbraio 2015

Speed Light

Captain Samantha Cristoforetti is flying in the space yet, studying the human
body reaction in that enviroment.
She didn't reply at my question concerning the light behavior under a big
propulsion, but it needs to wait the coming back on earth. That's the moment
in which the space ship records a propulsion which helps it to change the
orbital way.
In fact, tough the actual speed is around 28.000 Km/h, the motion
corresponds to a static state, being everything inside the ship at the same
The equivalence principle says that each mass, launched in the space under
acceleration, records the same gravity force that would record on earth, so, if
Captain Cristoforetti will ever try to measure the possible light deflection in an
accelerated state, she'll try it during the back way. Meanwhile there's a new 
discovery which regards the light speed.
Everybody knows that light speed is an universal constant, its worth is the
same everywhere. A researchers staff from Glasgow University and HeriotWatt
University, discovered that speed light changes changing the space in
which it moves.
We have different and several space structure, so they tried to let a light ray
moving in a different space form, recording a different speed in confront the
absolute one, which is 299792 K/meter per second
In that contest the speed light is minor of 0,001 per cent, so, as scientific
method requires, the trials must be repeated again and again, until the
international community approves the new result, avoiding possible scandals,
as the neutrinos one recorded a couple of years ago.
It remains to wait, something which will break the ordinary classic and
relativistic phisyc.
18 of february 2015 h. 8.38 am. Mario R. Zampella ©

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