sabato 28 febbraio 2015

Dual Entities

We talked, some time ago, about mass. They were just little considerations,
normally tied to the Relativity Theory, being the Newton concepts valid just in
a terrestrial contest.
There's something else to explain about the mass concept and it concerns its
dual entity: particle and wave, exactly like light, as the T. Young esperiment
The double existence is not visible in the daily environment, but to catch some
particular vision or imagine how could be, in the subatomic world, the
contemporary double state.
For example, we all saw a light ray get inside home across the window, that
effect in which the dust floats in the air. The light ray, represents in that
manifestation, the wave, and we could imagine the dust like infinite particles
which sail in the empty.
More difficult is to imagine the dual entity of a mass. When we see the matter,
we should imagine it like a total compact of atoms joint together. Of course we
can't see them one by one like it's not possible to see the mass in its wave
state. Each mass has a wave power, which is possible to catch just using very
sofisticated devices, which provide to low the temperature of the environment
contest until next the absolute zero, which is 273C.
In that condition, atoms become wave, more exactly wave function, which 
is different from the Newton  classic wave.
The above picture coud help to imagine a mass mutation. An iron ball
launched in velocity, under double light rays, appears like not existent. It is
just possible to see the form but not the substance, as it could be transformed
in some other entity.
Concluding it's possible to affirm that the principle condition for a massless
particle to be energy is its speed, equal the light one. The principal condition
for a mass particle, instead, to be energy or something similar, is the
motionless or rest mass.
28 of february 2015 h. 10.54 pm. Mario R. Zampella

mercoledì 18 febbraio 2015

Speed Light

Captain Samantha Cristoforetti is flying in the space yet, studying the human
body reaction in that enviroment.
She didn't reply at my question concerning the light behavior under a big
propulsion, but it needs to wait the coming back on earth. That's the moment
in which the space ship records a propulsion which helps it to change the
orbital way.
In fact, tough the actual speed is around 28.000 Km/h, the motion
corresponds to a static state, being everything inside the ship at the same
The equivalence principle says that each mass, launched in the space under
acceleration, records the same gravity force that would record on earth, so, if
Captain Cristoforetti will ever try to measure the possible light deflection in an
accelerated state, she'll try it during the back way. Meanwhile there's a new 
discovery which regards the light speed.
Everybody knows that light speed is an universal constant, its worth is the
same everywhere. A researchers staff from Glasgow University and HeriotWatt
University, discovered that speed light changes changing the space in
which it moves.
We have different and several space structure, so they tried to let a light ray
moving in a different space form, recording a different speed in confront the
absolute one, which is 299792 K/meter per second
In that contest the speed light is minor of 0,001 per cent, so, as scientific
method requires, the trials must be repeated again and again, until the
international community approves the new result, avoiding possible scandals,
as the neutrinos one recorded a couple of years ago.
It remains to wait, something which will break the ordinary classic and
relativistic phisyc.
18 of february 2015 h. 8.38 am. Mario R. Zampella ©

lunedì 2 febbraio 2015

CNN Unknows Mattarella

Last 31 of January, it has been named the new Italy's President, Sergio
Mattarella, but, from a research by CNN International, there's just one only
result about his name, which is about a notice far from 2001.
I think it's a shame.
02 of february 2015 h. 11.32 am. Mario R. Zampella

domenica 1 febbraio 2015

Italy Has Mattarella

Italy has a new President, the 12th of Italian Republic. His name is Sergio
Mattarella, not very known out of italian borders, but significant politician man
who followed the father's steps in the Democrat Party of so called first
He was born in Palermo, the city in which there's been the most cruel fight
between mafia and judges. There, he lost even his brother Piersanti, killed
from criminal organization because not well agreed.
Sergio Mattarella is famous for the electoral law launched before the last one
voted from Berlusconi government, also called mattarellum, and he's not
appreciated from Berlusconi too.
In fact, Mr. Berlusconi party didn't vote him, but they were in minor side.
Mattarella, during Andreotti's government, dismissed himself for a law
approved about the TV networks in Italy, which promoted the Berlusconi's
interests respect the Tv of State.
So he renounced at his chair for a public protest against that system.
His personality may be is a little bit reserved, but his integral morality helps
italians to hope in a person who could leave a big fingerprint along the future
31 of january 2015 h. 4.10 pm Mario R. Zampella