History immigration has never known a widest tragedy than the last one which
is occurring in Union Europe. Who are these last immigrants' generation ?
War refugee and common people, escaping from misery, hunger and death,
often they find a sure end of life in the so called civil countries. As genetical
fractals which reminds several movies about replicant aliens, they come with
an only hope: survive. It seems a religious exodus, with no kind of rule, in the
mafia's trafficants hands. Germany Prime Minister Angela Merkel, finally
recognized the unefficient Dublino's agreement, in which the Union of Europe
established that each immigrant belong to the first nation in which he landed.
At least, now, the new arriving will may have the chance to choose a definitive
destination. Over more, it's important to recall it. President Obama remarked
against a too weak Europe, which has never faced the trafficants problem.
Whilemean, on the est side, they are growing up walls to close the borders
and always more people are converting the thought in the same line of racial
laws. It must be said that a significantly part of them help the immigrants
offering food and beds. Confusion is everywhere until the point to remember
the mythological Babel Tower: nobody more understands the other's words.
29 of august 2015 h. 12.44 pm Mario R. Zampella