Two years ago, the fourth of july of 2012, finally emerged what Peter Higgs
and Francois Englert theorized many years before, the famous so called God's
particle. It concerns a special particle which is responsible of mass' existence
all over around us and it, as the photons for the magneto-electric field,
represents the Higgs' field, which is that area in which the particles, according
the Standard Model, soon after the Big Ben explosion, gained their own mass
to become what we may see all around us, the common matter. The
scientifical experiment has been prooved in CERN's Large Hadron Collider
Accelerator exactly two years ago. But one more theory concerning the mass'
existence, has been prooved few days ago in the Imperial College of London,
where, from two photons' crash, have been created both version of particles,
the matter and the antimatter ones. Someone affirmed that finally, it would
have been discovered the way from which mass emerged into our Universe
and it would be in conflict with the Higg's Boson. In fact as Fabiola Giannotti, a
very significantly member of the CERN's team, explained in a simple model,
that we could imagine the Higgs' Field like a sort of jam substance, in which all
the partcles without mass yet, they passed throughout it, someone getting
mass and someone remaining without it, like photons. Well, now it would be
interesting which one of both theories is the more credible, at least for the
common reader who just is interested in cooking matter, given that phisic is
very helpfull in that contest. Which are the real and the false masses ?
Guidonia, 27 of juin 2014, h. 06.16 am. Mario R. Zampella