martedì 25 febbraio 2014

Good and Bad

Recently there's a little diatribe in Italy, concerning the attitude expressed
about the cinical line or the sensitive one. It regards, in few words, the ancient
and many discussed war between good and bad, two concepts that are part of
the same reality, impossible to divide and impossible to solve. To be good it's
the same choice of to be bad and nobody may say which is the most difficult
way between them. It's just possible to affirm that not everybody may do
choices, considering that the great side of people must do something don't
But the problem in this contest, it concernes the talking, or better to say the
topics which are faced with a passionate or cinical position. Some of our
actions could be considered bad choices for the community, but, in a legal
frame, they are admitted. The weight of moral is more or less in each one of
us so it could drive to judge a single action as good, less good, bad or more
bad. To talk about "bad", it represents a fundamental initiative, because it's
always necessary to investigate over the reasons which cause a bad action,
to understand the root of a choice, the first fault which drove a subject toward
a way rather than a different one. In this information era, often we are exposed
at bad news, and day by day, we get habitude about them as if all the world 
were nothing different. Day by day we may risk to forge our personality from
the ache which is around us, forgetting something good which disappears
under the big wave of bad. It needs to be balanced in a sort of infinite wisdom,
to be always careful and awake, able at the death perception, which is just a
single act of our whole life.
Guidonia, 24 of february, 2014 h. 1.17 am. Mario R. Zampella

mercoledì 12 febbraio 2014

De Blasio Open New York

In Italy, like almost all over the world, it works a law, so called Bossi-Fini, which
contemplates the clandestine immigration as penal violation. In USA too there's
a similar law, to decrease the big flow of immigrants, but the New York Major
De Blasio, provided to recognize each clandestine who lives in the City giving
him an Identify Document which helps the not visible persons to accede at the
several services available for the citizens.
It is a big step, which try to extend the concept of a unic world, without
frontieres and limitations, given that, recently, Switzerland voted a law which
close the borders, violating the european agreements concerning the free
circulation in all the member countries.
Too many time must flow before the world will be one, as John Lennon sang,
but the special initiative of De Blasio, open a new way in that direction.
I hope to be a citizen of the world.
Guidonia, 12 of february 2014 h. 1.55 pm. Mario R. Zampella

domenica 9 febbraio 2014

Cannabis Legalization

There has been a big demonstration in Rome against the Giovanardi-Fini law,
which contemplates severe punishements for anyone who uses cannabis
grass for recreational reasons. After Uruguay marjuana legalization, pushed
from the President Pepe Mujica, and Colorado (USA) freeness for free use
and business of light drug, followed from New York State, which provided to
legalize marjiuana for medical use, in Italy too grew up the wave of people
who'd like a complete clearance concerning accession and its commerce.
Many centuries ago, coffee was a forbidden substance in Egypt, as well, just
seventy years ago, alcohol in USA was banned, and, considering that today
we all may consume both them with no sanctions, it appears rather suspect
why marjiuana is still a forbidden drug.
It belongs to the light drugs class and it has a millenary tradition in several
country of the world. Today no kind of science study classified marjiuana as
dangerous matter, or, at least, not more than tobacco or similar stuff. Further
all it is object of criminal association business , so, each one who would like to
have the experience of a tasting, would become a criminal too. There are
millions of people all over the world who use marjiuana, for recreational
reason, and all them would belong to criminal organizations. Many of them 
use it for religion rites, as Rasta or Indu' believers, many other
for therapeutic causes, others for relax time and finally some other simply for
transgression. Policemen too use it, and its legalization could help them and
society to spend energy and time in a better way fighting the real criminal acts.
Netherland faced the problem around thirty years ago, and decided for a
localized legalization, being able in that way to control the whole legal market
and production. It works good, despite sometime somebody complains about
We crossed the second millennium and we all should comprehend what is the
mean of evolution civilty and how freedom signification changed in the last
centuries. The topic surely concernes prostitution too, which is tolerated but
not admitted, thus the euthanasia and related biologic testament.
Law should be a couple of comfortable shoes.
Guidonia, 9 of february 2014 h. 2.50am. Mario R. Zampella

giovedì 6 febbraio 2014

Italy Corruption

$Three days ago the European Committee's Commissary of Internal Affairs,
Cecile Malstrom, declared what's the italian weight in the total amount of
european costs concerning the corruption phenomenon. For one hundred
twenty billions of euro, Italy costs sixty ones. It represents the half size and
Malstrom has been severe remembering the several "ad personam" laws,
created in the Berlusconi government, which would have open a more easy
way to the italian citizens, to feel themselves legitimate at corruption acts. But
the phenomenon history, we could say it was born in the far '92, when Judge
Di Pietro, with his pool, let explose the "clean hands gate", in which several
politicians, enterpriser and public employeds, in first Mr. Bettino Craxi, were
involved in kickback affairs.
In a few years, the Italy classification in the world Corruption Perception, as
Transparency International reported, recorded an unbelievable decrease,
fixing itself, in the last 2013, at the 69° place.
Corruption Phenomenon in Italy has very ancient roots, as well racism and 
fascism, and it regards the closed interlace between mafia and public
institutions, in which it's just the "price" to establish the measure of exchange.
It represents a grave disease which beats the Italy collective conscience, very
difficult to cure. Honest people waits for his turn, an infinite waiting, given that,
corruptors and corrupted use a more convincing topic: money.
This way to do, represents an enormous drag for the economic developement
and for faith in institutions. Things goes on just if conditions are the one fixed
from the system.
Union Europe, as President Napolitano affirmed yesterday at the European
Parliament, is the only chance for Italy to hope in a better future, declaring in
absolute terms, that it will be impossible to go back, getting out of the Union,
despite several opposite demonstrations from Padania Lega members, who
was present in the chamber.
Shame exhibitions, sons of ancient roots difficult to extinguish, a very hard
cure necessary.
Guidonia, 05 of february, 2014 h. 10.45 am. Mario R. Zampella